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Zachary endorsed by DC For Democracy

DC for Democracy’s Endorsement and the Intersectionality of Social Justice

Despite the many positive changes we've seen and fought for in DC, we still have so far to go. We're still fighting for voting rights, fair wages, environmental and social justice. And as we fight, many community voices aren't reflected or amplified at the table.

Social justice today means looking at all these issues intersectionally. We don't lead single-issue lives, and we don't have single-issue problems. We can't talk about poverty without talking about the economic structures behind it. Social justice must be a multi-racial, multi-generational effort —communities pushing together for the equity we need to build across our city and ward.

This looks like uplifting the violence disruption work happening across our city. This looks like resourcing organizations that are already doing great work to disrupt violence — and getting to the root causes of the issues. But, ultimately, our social justice agenda must provide people access to the resources they need: mental health support, a quality education, good-paying jobs (with benefits and protections), small business training, and environmentally safe communities and homes.

That's why I'm deeply honored to receive the endorsement of DC For Democracy. It is among the groups most responsible for driving change against displacement, corruption, and violence of all kinds across DC. And their membership has committed to standing with Ward 5 neighbors wanting stronger, healthier communities.

I look forward to working alongside DC For Democracy to win this race and bring your voices with me to work every day in the Wilson building.

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